Friday, January 22, 2010

NPR makes me feel smart.

When I listen to NPR I am eager to learn and have this weird feeling in my gut. My emotional response is often a combination of hopeful possibility mixed with a respectful feeling for whatever is being studied or discussed. It is the kind of radio that I wish the “World’s Greatest Husband” and I listened to together. I guess in retirement this will be a possibility but for today it is only shared through text messages. Which brings me to yesterdays show, my 11:35 am text : Listening to NPR about reinventing self and it is making me feel so much better! Now if that isn’t hopeful possibility rolled into one small text, what is? Does NPR seriously know how they are impacting lives?

So here is the quick low down on the show…. Sometimes being laid off from your job isn’t all bad. Most callers felt that the layoff pushed them to explore new opportunities and inventory skills and interests that bring them joy. Unfortunately this career change often meant a serious cut in pay, and many had to struggle to meet life’s basic needs, but honestly I heard the smile in their voices. Folks seemed more in control of their lives and had a lighter and happier heart. I am choosing to only see the positive in this show as a personal shift in situation is on the horizon for me and I needed to hear some positive self talk in my head. I’ve been down and out on the shift, not on top of my game for the last few days. Guess what? NPR (my new radio show therapist?) says that is normal. It is ok to feel cranky about the change. The part that really matters is…. What you do with it, what you do next …. I am not sure where my bright new outlook will take me but here are FIVE great things about today:
  • It’s Friday!
  • It’s Pajama Movie night at the elementary school
  • For the first time World’s Greatest Husband’s ex-wife actually included my name and contact number on a school form ( I am listed as step mo - I am thinking of this title with fondness...step mo, I like it.)
  • I am planning to see extended family tomorrow (most of which I haven’t seen in 2 years)
  • It’s a pay day Friday.
 Hey Paper Peeps, life is good! Enjoy the weekend.

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