Friday, January 15, 2010

What do your "Favorites" say about you?

Recently we invested in a new laptop. It is fabulous! My biggest concern when making the switch was about my “bookmarked Favorites.” I wanted to be assured that the “World’s Greatest Husband” would be able to transfer my favorite websites to our new machine. I’ve been creating my favorite lists and folders for years. I would write them in a pretty blank book before I learned how to bookmark. Now I am a pro and wanted to share a few with you.
Beyond my general favorites, I have folders named: life is so good, Rick Springfield, Places to see, job search, paper girl and shopping.

Here are some of my favorite, favorites, check them out: I’ve loved this guy since 5th grade. I think I’ve seen him 12 times. A few years ago I actually met him after a concert. It was clearly one of the best days of my life. I love getting new charms for my bracelet so I need to stay current to advise “The World’s Greatest Husband”  Amazing products that make island living grand. If I win lotto – this is one of my first stops.
Second stop?  This is an amazing resort, hotel….. I am not sure what you call this place other than really, really cool!  a dear friend turned me on to this guy. I always feel calmer and at peace when I listen.
Of course a paper girl needs a few paper faves, here are my top picks: , , ,  this company is absolutely about cool paper in a totally different way. Learn more.
I hope your day sparkles.

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