Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What is it with me and the beach?

Last night we went to the beach at my favorite hour, 5pm.  I love the way the light of the day softens, the sand lights up making your skin sort of glow, and the hurried beach pace is a bit slower.  Our life is feeling a bit odd as our oldest stayed behind at my sister-in-laws for the week and my two are with their Dad for two weeks.  It was different to pack for a family of four compared to a family of seven.  As the girls made friends, played in the sand and enjoyed a dip in the water, a stumbling (and I mean stumbling) beauty arrived on the scene.  No bathing suit, no towel, no nothing…. She plopped in the sand wearing jean capri pants, a shirt and flip flops.    She had obviously had one too many.  A few minutes later she sits in the water.  A few minutes later she goes under the water.  A few minutes later she swims the beach.  A few minutes later her pants come off.  A few minutes pass, then her shirt.  She makes friends with some men that she proudly passes her clothing off too.  Our family and our beach neighbors continue to be entertained.  As time passes, she swims further and further out, pass the swim area, toward some docked boats in the middle of nowhere.  We watch, we worry, after some discussion our beach neighbor calls the police.   Simply put, too much time had passed, she was too far out and let’s not forget…. She’s DRUNK and NAKED!  They come, they rescue, all is good in the world. 

A teachable moment for our two girls.

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