As the year draws to a close, the final days of 2010 have brought me to my knees thanking God for a little time. I’ve spent the past week enjoying my parents love, and as a 40 year old woman with five kids and one World’s Greatest Husband I have a constant evolving appreciation for the love that my parents continue to demonstrate.
2010 was a year riddled with illness, and few struggles that seemed bigger than me. I’ve felt strong, I’ve felt weak. I know which I prefer, yet I am smart enough to know that each experience influences the woman I continue to become. A little time with my parents means more today than ever before. Knowing all of the “life” that has happened, the good and the bad, and how that has influenced our relationship, knowing all the stories and memories, reliving them, celebrating them and creating new ones shape our story and our family. As I approach 2011, I am grateful for time and know it is a gift, this week, my parents, my children, my husband, our ability to participate fully in this life, a true gift and brings me a calm heart
My favorite word is PEACE. It is a word that lives in my soul. It ranks right up there with balance, spirit, and laughter. Peace is my wish for 2011. I wish for PEACE in every sense of the word… peace in my home, peace in my job, peace in my heart, peace in my soul, peace among my children, and peace in this world. Wishing you good health and love in the New Year and always.