Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My kids are Home

My kids are back!  I was so happy to greet them with 700 kisses each.  The kisses took all day.  ten here, 20 there, total: 700.  They were gone for three weeks.  One with me and two with their Dad.  They talked non-stop, showed me souvenirs and loved me up.  Tomorrow our oldest will be back on the scene, he has been at camp for this week.  We will be one big happy family once again.  Gearing up for the school year has me anxious but the fact that we will all be in one place, one routine… makes this mom/step-mo of five a happy girl.  Please remind me of that when I want to pull my hair out because five kids are back to school and going in 15 different directions.  The gentle reminder of this happy girl post might zap me into reality of what is truly important. 

Bring on the school year… it’s countdown time…   one week for high school, two weeks for school agers….

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