Friday, October 29, 2010

Five for Friday
Five great things about TODAY:

  1. My Rick Springfield book review can be seen on his website (silly thrill but still a thrill!)
  2. I am headed out with the World's Greatest Husband to a surprise par-tay tonight.  Shhhhh!
  3. Grocery shopped on-line last night, getting ready to go pick up my order.  (is that not the best little gift?)
  4. Remembered the juice boxes for the Halloween party at school.
  5. My kids are going to Disney with their grandparents this summer - AGAIN!!!!! 

Happy Weekend!
Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Late, Late at Night - a Rick review...

Well I’ve finished the much anticipated Late, Late at Night by Rick Springfield.  I have to say, other than meeting him at a concert in August of 2004, it was my second best Rick experience of a lifetime.   I have connected to his music for 27 years, I’ve seen him perform numerous times and as I round 40 I have now connected with my long time rock star on a new level.  Knowing his path makes me appreciate the real life passion and challenges of an artist.  I am struck by many things that he writes but the aspect of the book that resonates most is his description about being a fan.  He writes, “It puts life in perspective and there is always more to aspire to when you’re looking up.  And everyone is a fan of someone.  Paul (McCartney) is a fan of someone, I am a fan of Paul’s, and someone is a fan of mine.”  A little life lesson in that “looking up” statement.  I’ve always enjoyed moments where I get of glimpse of who I want to be in the future or better yet, what I don’t want to be.  Overall Rick’s journey has had its share of pain and if I am honest, stupid moves.  It is a bit more dramatic than my everyday trials at the office but the human spirit,  the wish to succeed, the dream of the good life are really all the same in each of us.  Finding peace and a little joy in that journey is the real trick.  Rick seems to have found serenity after a lifetime of struggle and when we know better, we do better.  To learn more visit
Did you read the book? What did you think? Leave some comment love below...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My role as Step Mo and why I wanted to deck the hygienist

Ok, this post is long, stay with me... it's therapy, remember?

Keeping Step-mo-ing in the positive.... A linky-dinky-doo to Mama's Losin' it...
5.) “Keep your face to the sunshine and you can not see the shadow” – Helen Keller
In what ways are you able to stay positive about something that sometimes brings you down?

The World’s Greatest Husband and I work hard to blend the lives of our five little monkeys.  It isn’t easy work.  I will even add in our ex’s as partners in the process because for the most part, they try to play along and respect our situation.  (At least to my face, right?)  So I was thrown a bit the other day while we visited our dentist.  I had my bonus-daughter  with me  (just trying the term  “bonus” on for size, I hate the word “step”, while it may describe the situation it rarely covers the emotions, worry and love of the role.)  One of the hygienists kept walking by looking curious.  She was sizing us up and a bit confused.  On one of her passes she mumbles, “I keep looking at you, wondering, what are you doing with them, you don’t belong with them.”  On yet another pass through she states, “This isn’t your family.” Ok so honestly, as the step-mo with class and grace, I was so angered I wanted to deck her.  I know that sounds extreme and I am being a tad silly but the remarks hit me like a ton a bricks….crushing me.   In defense of the poor woman, I think she wasn’t mean spirited in her observation yet as a sensitive step-mo who tries to always do the right thing, I was hurt by her remarks.  I chimed in quickly, “oh she is my family, I am her step mother.”  I think the hygienist who was working on my youngest sensed my discomfort and started rambling on about how many blended families there are at the practice.  I was searching for some sort of validation so her comments and care certainly calmed me.

So here is the deal.  Step-mo is a hard role to navigate.  I am the one who has cleaned their puke, helped with homework, comforted and played referee, I am the one who cooks the meals, does the laundry, remembers valentine’s, stuffs the stockings, creates the sticker charts, reads the stories, puts up the pony tails, goes to the games….. I could go on and on and on (and let me remind you the World’s Greatest Husband is a partner every step of the way) but in the step-mo world, they still prefer their mom.  I am ok with that.  I understand that.  They love me, I don’t really doubt that.  I know that my role to play is different from the role of their mother.  It is sort of like I am not a doctor, but I get to play one on TV?  I play mom (sometimes) but I am not their mom.  What I do embrace is the role I do get to play.  I am sometimes the go-between, I sometimes get details mom and dad don’t, I sometimes am the first text when a boy expresses interest (remember that blog post?), I learn things from their FB pages and coach their dad on the latest happenings,  I can play hard ball or sit back depending on the situation.  I can be a step closer to friend on certain occasions and the one to blame on others.  The role has flexibility (which I sometimes struggle with) but mostly it has those small victories that make me feel like I am right where I am supposed to be, doing what I am doing, to help raise five smart, respectful, kind hearted kids.

So my experience at the dentist, was one of those moments where I felt that all my hard work, worry, care, and interest gets wiped away with one silly meaningless comment.  I understand that step mothers have a long history of being wicked.  Snow white has helped with that notion, but we are a family, my step kids are my family, my children call them brother and sister, we don’t have the traditional every other weekend situation at my house.  Our custody is almost 50/50 each and every week. They live here, with us they just don’t visit on Thursday nights for dinner.  We may not be the traditional family, we certainly aren’t “normal” (by the way, who is?) But we are a family.  I am not mad at the hygienist, it is an opportunity for me to blog about the role, to create a better understanding of blended bliss .  I realize not every situation is like ours.  Blended families can be a big ol mess.  But for the record so can biological families.  I am proud and grateful to be their step-mo surviving and thriving in the blender.  

Monday, October 25, 2010

Love is the little things...

We hosted a small gathering here on Friday night.  When I put my kids on the bus Friday morning my son asked, “are you going to clean the house today  like that time you yelled at us all day”    Oh yes, a proud mother moment…  I answered “yes, be glad you are in school and you won’t hear me.”

The World’s Greatest Husband and I had two nights with no children this past weekend (very unusual.)  We slept like little babies.  It was wonderful.  He is the sweetest man alive.  During the week, he gets up an hour before I do and when he leaves our warm snuggly bed he always tucks me in, fixing the blankets, making sure I am covered up.  It’s the little things that make our love grand! 

As a side note, I am already sleeping in sweats, with three heavy weight blankies, I am not sure what will happen when real winter sets in…  You know I hate winter, right? I’ll be blogging about it, because I hate, hate, hate it!  Stay tuned.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh NO! what are they going to be for Halloween?

Well it’s that time of year again.  The time of year when I start to sweat, stir and stress…. Yes, it’s Halloween costume time.  If I were smarter, I would start the selection process with our back to school shopping because we are only a week out and I am still in need of costumes!  And let’s be honest, the deadline isn’t the 31st, my kids need costumes for a few events prior to trick or treating.  My challenge is magnified because I have two children who are afraid to visit the party store at this time of year.  I am not sure what I did years ago… but my ten year old clearly has a Halloween shopping memory and flat out refuses to visit the “Halloween aisle.”  So last night the light bulb went on…. Internet! My dear friend the internet would allow for a mild stroll through the costume aisle on their own terms… I am not sure why I didn’t think of this earlier, but  I don’t care at this point I will pay for priority shipping!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cheese Sticks?

Someday my youngest will read this blog and realize he is the topic of choice.  My son keeps feeding me material for this little bloggy blog...
Today he peaked inside my purse full of tampons and questioned.... "Mom, why are you bringing all those cheese sticks to work?"  
Seriously, "I can't make this stuff up!"  
I hope you are giggling....Have a good day!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Oprah & Gayle Reflection Monday...

Ok, so I am sad to report that I haven’t finished Late, Late at Night by Rick Springfield.  I will soon and will gladly post my review.  I’ve been "shocked" and "not so shocked" by what I have read so far.   He is a complicated character.  I’ve enjoyed the media blitz and was pleasantly surprised when I listened to the Gayle King Show on Thursday….
Gayle and Oprah Reflection Monday proves that there is karma, love, and special spirit between me and my three pop culture imaginary friends…. GAYLE commented (for an extended time) on RICK’s NEW BOOK!  Click on the clip below if you are eager to listen (It’s long – 9 min) So beyond Rick’s sad story and his battle with depression and being over sexed… GAYLE mentions, RICK!!!!! 

And not to brag but…. Oprah mentioned my birthday again… on Wednesday’s show she said… “At forty you start to wake up”

Gayle King: News Picks - How Do iYou/i Win The Battle with Depression?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Cub Scout amazes me....daily....

I am not an outdoor, camping, hiking, woodsie kind of girl.  Paper is my thing... but I hiked with my cub scout this morning.  He is a good boy!  I am so proud of him.  On our way home his mature statement floored me.  "Mom, I think (insert name of trouble maker boy from bus three here) should do cub scouts and go to CCD so he can master his good skills."  

See what a little leadership opportunity and church can do....

Friday, October 15, 2010

Five for Friday

1.  The "Most Amazing Childcare Provider" has inspired me to clip coupons.  She saved $50 bucks on a $100 order last week!  
2. A Paperly party tonight.  Lana, can't wait to visit with you and your paper peeps!
3. No softball game tomorrow morning!
4. It's not a washout like predicted.
5. It's homecoming weekend and we have one special young man buying a corsage for a special little lady.  OMG!!!!

I can't wait to blog about Gayle on my Monday Gayle and Oprah Refection Monday Post.... You won't believe how we are soooooo connected!  HOW FUN!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The debate and my little cub scout

Last night the World's Greatest Husband and I went to the gubernatorial debate.  I enjoyed the process.  It was  interesting to see all the different entities and the television crew prepare.  There was something electric with the announcements of "three minutes to live, one minute to live, 30 seconds to live."  I love to people watch so you can only imagine my awe with the pre-rally festivities.  The signs, the chants, the buttons, stickers and energy.  I admit,  I love the spirit of politics.  When I was in college and took the Myers Briggs Personality Inventory (ESFJ) politician was on my inventory.... So fast forward... during the one hour debate, I was a tad bored.  You know my life, it is super fast paced.  Five kids rarely make me say the word bored (although on occasion they do say it.)  So Yes, the debate impressed me.  Yes, I confirmed my choice for governor.  Yes, I am proud and happy that we have this amazing political process and Yes, hearing the candidates with their practiced, calculated messages and silly little prods and pokes made me feel a bit restless, a bit bored. 

But the big winner of the night?  Was my little proud cub scout.  I came home to this amazing little guy reciting the cub scout promise, word for word.... with pride in his heart.  If he is ever on the stage debating, I guarantee, I won't be bored. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's turning into a very busy week. How does that happen, week after week, month after month?
Ok, another Paperly commercial...
Instead of snuggling up to the World's Greatest Husband last night, I listened to a Paperly recording/training and really it just makes me love the products and company more.  If you haven't checked out my website in a while click on the link below to see all the new products and get a jump on your jingle by browsing the new everyday catalog and the holiday catalog.

click here:

AND mark your calendar for Friday, November 5th!  I'll be hosting an exclusive Social and Business Stationery Trunk Show featuring Paperly at my home.  You won't want to miss the give-a-ways, friendship, food and holiday shopping.  If you are not on my Paperly newsletter mailing list, you must give me your email now!  You won't want to miss out on this shopping experience!  It's simple, stay connected by plugging your email into my subscription button on the sidebar or comment on this post or send an mail to papermom.andrea(at)yahoo(dot)com.    

Happy Wednesday... I am on chapter four of my Rick Springfield book.  Stay tuned....

Monday, October 11, 2010

Oprah and Martha!

It’s Monday and that means… Oprah and Gayle Reflection day.
Plain and simple, Martha teaches Oprah how to fold a fitted sheet.  It is truly one of those tips that can change your life or at least your linen closet.  I can’t insert the video link but if you visit Oprah's site there is an instructional video!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Flu shots and the blender...

Life in the blender can be chaotic, and sometimes that means chaos for those around us, close to us, teaching us, coaching get the picture.

Yesterday… I found out that our yearly flu shots for the kids, probably has the pediatrician’s office thinking we are a blended bunch that are koo-koo for cocoa puffs!

Here is the coordination or lack of:
  • World’s Greatest Husband asks if I want my two to go with his three for flu shots?
  • We discuss, as crazy as it sounds, I’ve never been a fan of the flu shot.
  • World’s Greatest Husband makes the appointment for all five
  • The appointment was scheduled while he was at work, leaving me to take them.  Needles, pricks, shots…. That was unfairly scheduled in my opinion.
  • I forgot to “google calendar” (yes we sync our calendars for up-to-the-minute scheduling) an appointment and the flu shot appointment was scheduled during a dentist appointment for my two.
  • The World’s Greatest Husband calls the pediatrician and leaves a message to reschedule.
  • The pediatrician calls us back, I reschedule.
  •  I have to admit, she questioned me a few times, clarifying which children will be present and now I think I know why the questioning felt sort of weird…
  • The World’s Greatest Husband’s ex-wife has scheduled her three for a shot next week.
  • So without knowing all the details… I think the World’s Greatest Husband's ex-wife is scheduled to take all five?

I’ll call to straighten this out on Monday. 

Maybe you have to know the personalities to appreciate this example, but seriously everything takes longer, more coordination and much more patience.  Not only for us but for those having to deal with us too!  

Friday, October 8, 2010

Rick Springfield to release Late, Late at Night - Can't Wait!

I've loved Rick Springfield since I was in the 5th grade.  If you are a faithful Paper Mom reader, you probably know my obsession all too well.  If your my mom reading, you are probably giggling because you have lived through it all (including some of the concerts.)  On Tuesday, he will release his autobiography.  I can't wait, I am especially excited  because he reads his work on the audio version of the book. I am posting a teaser video just in case you want to line up at Borders, log on to Amazon or visit your local Library to learn about my guy Rick.  You know I post book reviews on this site, so look for the review of Late, Late at Night by Rick Springfield to be posted next week.  Until then, here is a video to satisfy your curiosity.

As you know, I met him a few years ago, I knew I would.  It was absolutely an amazing moment.  One of those moments I will never ever forget.  It was a dream come true. I remember praying... I hope the picture comes out (I didn't have a digital camera) I love the picture because in my eyes, I see the happiest woman alive.

Five for Friday

Five great things about today...

Well, I have to admit, I am digging deep trying to find those five little gems.

  1. I am inhaling
  2. I am exhaling
  3. It's not raining
  4. I am placing another Paperly order today.
  5. No one needed anything out of the dirty laundry this morning.
Love, peace and happiness, it's the weekend peeps, ENJOY!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Naughty Betty Cracks Me Up!

Last night I visited Naughty Betty (and you should too.)  I laughed so hard at all of their witty products.... The one that made me fall off my chair?  
"We all have days when we're one goodie bag short"
Isn't that the truth?  I hope your Wednesday sparkles. 
Hey, if you haven't "liked" me on FB yet , go for it!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I need a thousand dollars!

I completed my 6-7 week ritual at lunchtime yesterday.  I got my hair cut and my eyebrows waxed.  In doing so I realized, it is about the only thing I do for myself… the only “me, me, me” 63 dollar luxury that I do, usually kid free.    That 4-6 minute hair wash is to die for.  Lorelei really makes me feel like a princess for those few minutes.

So my every two month visit comes with a quick sweep through Macy’s or JCPenney.  A “kid-free”  luxury for sure.  I usually zip through because I have to meet the bus, pick up a kid or attend a practice or game.  Yesterday I realized the reason why this I do this zip through shopping torture like a track star running a race, I realized why it makes me anxious…. I do this quickly because it depresses me…. It is my monthlyish reminder as to how “out of style” I really am. 
My black, blue and gray chinos need an update. 
I need an updated Saturday errands suit.
I need a new pair of high boots.
I need a sweater with ruffles (who knew they were on every rack?)
And the purses I saw yesterday were so stylish, they oozed class, sass and style.
I even need new pajamas.
I need a winter coat.
I need a fabulous scarf to wear on that winter coat.

The only time I view the mall as a trip for me…. is when I get my haircut.  Otherwise it is for kids uniforms, kid everything.  I can tell you where every kid related item might be found.  So…. I figure I need just about a thousand dollars.  I think that will cover it.  I am not sure but if I had to guess I think a thousand buck-a-roos would do the trick.  A thousand bucks would let me buy a few wardrobe essentials, a bit of style.  It would turn me into a new woman, an updated, hip mom, a sexy wife, and a professional that “looks” the part.  

Monday, October 4, 2010

Oprah and Gayle Reflection Day Monday

Oprah spoke to me again… this time directly.  Well via her Thursday show. My reflection moment was easy to identify.
On Thursday’s show she said “what you think you know at 30 comes alive in your 40’s. Those of you who are fearing your 40’s STOP IT” 

Oprah mentioned many of her producers are approaching 40.  (One more similarity to my Oprah Birthday Video from Sept 17)

I turn 40 on December 24th!
I hope it’s true.
I hope she’s right.
In my early thirties I was in a struggling marriage.
In my mid thirties I was struggling with a divorce.
In my late thirties I found love, a beautiful blended family and a lot of hope…
I can’t wait to put that hope and love into action in my 40’s.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Five for Friday

Five for Friday

Five great things about today...

  1. Watching Grey's Anatomy on my day off.
  2. Was as the store buying my son's $75 cub scout uniform all before 9am and the rain. ( by the way, it only cost $10 to join cub scouts)
  3. It's brightening up outside, this weather hype is amusing...I can't wait until we are dramatizing BLIZZARDS!
  4. Just checked out a new Emily Giffin book.  
  5. All of our school uniforms are clean and folded, until they come home at 3pm.


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