Thursday, October 28, 2010

Late, Late at Night - a Rick review...

Well I’ve finished the much anticipated Late, Late at Night by Rick Springfield.  I have to say, other than meeting him at a concert in August of 2004, it was my second best Rick experience of a lifetime.   I have connected to his music for 27 years, I’ve seen him perform numerous times and as I round 40 I have now connected with my long time rock star on a new level.  Knowing his path makes me appreciate the real life passion and challenges of an artist.  I am struck by many things that he writes but the aspect of the book that resonates most is his description about being a fan.  He writes, “It puts life in perspective and there is always more to aspire to when you’re looking up.  And everyone is a fan of someone.  Paul (McCartney) is a fan of someone, I am a fan of Paul’s, and someone is a fan of mine.”  A little life lesson in that “looking up” statement.  I’ve always enjoyed moments where I get of glimpse of who I want to be in the future or better yet, what I don’t want to be.  Overall Rick’s journey has had its share of pain and if I am honest, stupid moves.  It is a bit more dramatic than my everyday trials at the office but the human spirit,  the wish to succeed, the dream of the good life are really all the same in each of us.  Finding peace and a little joy in that journey is the real trick.  Rick seems to have found serenity after a lifetime of struggle and when we know better, we do better.  To learn more visit
Did you read the book? What did you think? Leave some comment love below...


Anonymous said...

Hi, Paper Mom.
As a fellow Rick Springfield fan, I have somehow stumbled onto your cute blog,and, having just finished the book, I guess I'm eager to find someone to talk to about it. (I'm trying to get my husband to read it, who is a lukewarm fan that has mercifully put up with my fandom for so many years. I want him to read it, but I think he's hedging to 'terrorize' me a bit.) Anyway, I'm still a fan of Rick, flaws and all. I met him this summer, and you can see the gleem in my eyes as well. While his 'shine' is a bit hazier to me, he is now all the more real, and I'm touched that he shared so much. Looks like you feel similarly? Beth

Paper Mom said...

Beth, I hope you will continue to visit paper mom. I often post about our boy Rick. As for husbands, The World's Greatest, as I affectionately call him, isn't a Rick fan. I took him to a concert a year or so ago and he was a good sport but he isn't a fan like me.... I discussed every chapter with him so I don't think he needs to read it. He has had his fill. I was shocked at certain points along the way, more about rock star life than really Rick's life. It was a glimpse into a life as a celebrity. Where did you meet Rick? What was that like? Write to me on my papermom email and we can chat more. Always happy to connect with a fellow fan.


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