Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Divorced Women Helping One Another...

A Sisterhood of divorced women…
A friend of mine is going through a divorce. 
She had some important medical tests scheduled while still on her husbands “good medical insurance”
The appointments were cancelled by the doctor’s office and rescheduled for a time frame that her divorce would probably be final and the “good medical insurance” would be gone.  She happened to mention this little tid bit to the receptionist and sure enough the woman greeting patients at the office was divorced too, a fellow sister of divorce.  She quickly scheduled my friend for the following Monday with the “good medical insurance” still in place.

I love this little story because I firmly believe there is a sisterhood of divorced women.  Now, that may seem silly coming from a happily married, mom/step mo to five kids.  The thing about the sisterhood is… no woman wants another woman to go through the pain, the trials, and the ugly of the journey.  Even when divorce is the BEST option, it is still hurtful, a process, an ending.  As women, I believe we generally want to lift one another up and although the rules of our little sisterhood are not truly documented the sisterhood is about a code of sharing so that one may learn from our personal journey.  I know that sometimes sharing means… sharing too much, coming off as a know it all, or butting in… that is the risk of membership. 

When I shared this tale with my husband he asked if there was a sisterhood of married women too? He said, if not, why not?  It got me thinking…. And now hopefully, you are thinking too…. What do you think favorite Paper Mom peeps?  Is there a sisterhood for married women? 
More to come on this one… let’s chat.

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