Thursday, February 10, 2011

Perfect Mothers... and their little secrets

I’ve wanted to blog about this book for days…
Run… don’t walk to your library or book store to pick up Dirty Little Secrets from Otherwise Perfect Moms by Trisha Ashworth and Amy Nobile.  It is a read that you can do while cooking, cleaning, or practically driving (ok, don’t try that one.)  It is just simple one page secrets about motherhood that will make you pee your pants.  Just sayin….

So here are a few that made me laugh out loud while I waited in the parent pick up line at school….
  • Before my husband gets home I spray Lysol by the door.
  • If I repeat to myself  “I’m ok, I’m ok” I hope that I’ll begin to believe it.
  • I threw out a pair of shoes my daughter loved and told her I couldn’t find them.
  • Sometimes I feel guilty for liking going to work so much.
  • I signed up my kid for karate because the instructor was hot.
  • When I am at safeway I buy a Nordstrom gift card and charge it as groceries.  I can justify it that way.
  • We were once in the grocery store and when we hit the wine aisle, she screamed “That’s Mommy’s Juice”
  • I do my son’s homework just so we can get through it faster.  I grab his pencil and he just looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.
  • I forgot to pick my boy up from kindergarten because I was too involved in a VHI Rockumentary.

And that is just a taste of the sincerity, insanity and humor.  You must pick up this book and read the secrets of honest women who are doing the best they know how…

These two rock star authors also wrote  “I Was A Really Good Mom Before I Had Kids” That one is a mommy bible too!

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