Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello Dear Mothers,
I am really getting sappy in my old age.  I hate to admit it, but last night while watching Julia Roberts' Mother's Day Tribute on OWN I sat with a box of tissues trying to catch my breathe.  Honestly, what brought me to a full blown sob, was the Walmart/Own commercial that paid tribute to the step-mo.  I am a sap.  Visit Own extraordinary mom's tribute to Moms to see the advertisement.

And... just because I am in a Mother's Day tribute sort of mood... here is my favorite !!!!Kelly Corrigan's lovely speech about the love, friendship and the special bond among women.  I've posted this before but I want YOU - my favorite Paper Mom readers and friends to feel the special love that this video brings.  Happy Mother's Day!

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