Thursday, August 5, 2010

First Date in a Car & a New Headlight

The year was 1986, I was a sophomore in high school, and it was freedom like I had never experienced before.   My parents agreed to my first “car date” and I was feeling like a queen bee dating a boy a year older, complete with his own car.  It was a matinee, Top Gun, a movie I will never forget.  I will also always remember my mother making the young man go buy a new headlight for his car because only one bulb shone bright.  I remember begging my mother not to make him do this…. It was a matinee for goodness sake; we didn’t need headlights the sun would be shining.  She used the experience as a character building exercise, illustrating the fact that if this boy cared about me and my safety he wouldn’t mind abiding by the law by having two working headlights.  After a quick trip to Caldor’s we were on our way.  I had no idea what Top Gun was even about, I was just happy to be on a date, in a car, with Mr. Charming.  It was a pleasant surprise enjoying the summer’s blockbuster hit while enjoying my first real car date.  I must admit the whole thing makes me smile 24 years later.  

This post was an writing prompt posted by Mama Kat over at Mama Kat's Losing it.  Go click and visit Ms. Mama Kat and give her some Paper Mom love.


Farah Jasmine said...

Awwww. I love how your mom made him get the headlight. Clearly he was interested enough to make the run for you :)

A Long Drive

A Musing Mother said...

But Tom Cruise was so beautiful back then!

Doncha miss those simple days?

Mommylebron said...

I agree with your mom! A little test of character! My mom pulled a series of them on one my boyfriends! Stopping by from Mama Kat's!


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