Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy New Years Resolution - Let's check in...

On January first I stated two things…. I was going to lose another twenty pounds (which would top me off at a 60lb weight loss when all was said and done.) and I wasn’t going to eat fast food for one year. 

So…  now to Mama Kat’s weekly writing prompt…(if you have never visited the queen of blog, click her link now, you will laugh)
 Mama Kat posted… 
How’s that New Year’s resolution treating you?
Well, I have to admit, pretty darn good…
I am down an additional 9 lbs! I am meeting weekly with my cronies over at Weight Watchers, that group of gals seems to never change.  The names and faces shift but the personalities and stories remain.  I am a believer in good ol’ WW.  The last time I participated I wore a bikini.  Although now that I am 40 and fabulous - I am not sure I will be celebrating with a skimpy bathing suit.  No matter what, I know it’s a good thing for me.  The accountability of writing my points down on a daily basis, the accountability of a weekly weigh in and the belly laughs my weight watchers leader, Priscilla provides is enough to keep me moving on the downward slide….  Yippee…

As for fast food, I wasn’t pigging out on French fries and fried chicken but it was a part of my life… mostly for convenience, not having it for the past 48 days makes me feel in control.  I actually zipped through the drive thru to pick up a $1 coffee at McDonalds and felt extreme guilty for being on the property (although coffee is not included in my no fast food commitment - seriously, some things are simply not negotiable and my coffee is one of those things.)  I don’t think anything bad can come from this challenge. 

I hope you can still remember your new year’s resolutions from 48 days ago.


Angie said...

I too amn working on losing weight (currently I'm not doing so well but I have another weigh-in tomorrow so cross fingers...).

Found you at Mama Kat's

Annie @ astonesthrowfrominsanity said...

Stopped by from mama kat's . . . you are right! You CAN NOT give up coffee. You have to have at least one vice, right?? :) Great job on your resolution!!

Jessica said...

Congratulations on sticking with your resolution. Not eating fast food is a good resolution. I decided after my youngest was born I wouldn't eat fast food anymore and I haven't in almost 2 years.

Rachel @ day2day joys said...

Also stopping by from Mama Kat's and wanted to say great job! I'd say don't worry abot going thru the drive thru for come coffee! Love your post!

Jacki said...

Stopping by from Mama Kat's. Congratulations on all the hard work and staying on course.

Justine said...

what an awesome NYR! we eat super healthy at home, but i can not say no to eating out. if someone asks me? i am there. (especially if coffee is involved!) i would love to omit fast food from my diet entirely, too. great job sticking to your resolution!

{stopping by from mama kat's}

Amanda said...

Good for you! And you're right: Coffee is NEVER negotiable. But think about a skimpy swimsuit. After losing so much weight, I'd say you deserve it!

Jennifer said...

Good for you! I also did WW before. made lifetime member and then got pregnant again and have slowly crept back up. I joined again Jan 14 (not for a resolution as much as because it was the day after my birthday and I wanted to be thin again by my next birthday). I've lost 6 pounds since Jan 14 and agree that the accountability is key.

Thanks for stopping by my blog


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