Monday, April 12, 2010

39 LBs

I am up way too late. I often do this when my husband is working late. I will pay the price tomorrow. I will also pay the price for walking the track tonight. I can already feel my muscles tightening. Have I mentioned that I have lost 39 lbs? hmm… maybe I’ll type that one more time… 39 lbs! I can’t seem to lose that next pound for the life of me… I have resorted to exercise – gasp! I know!

So, stay tuned… formalizing my commitment on the computer screen may be the motivator I need to get up and go, go, go! I have a goal of 52 (actually my doctor assisted with that crazy goal!) If I reach 52 I will be a Paper Mom Rockstar! I’ve used “lose it” an i-phone application to track calories and success. According to the phone app (and I am sure that it is all knowing…) I should reach my goal by June. At first June seemed like a long way off when I started last JULY! But now…. I can taste it (heheheh)

Here is what is different since losing the weight…

My face isn’t puffy and plump. I’ve actually wrinkled a bit… ugh.

I am not winded when I walk to my office.

I have more energy.

My bra size!

I can put on anything in my closet and it fits or is baggy – gone are the days of – this is too tight or a bit snug.

My blood pressure.

My shoes fall off – yes my feet are now smaller.


People actually notice my change in size.

I now have a soft practically nonexistent sexy snore (World’s Greatest Husband swears he only hears it when I am congested or sick – Gosh, I hope that’s true!) rather than a beer guzzling, motorcycling, tattooed bar fly snore.

I feel better.

It’s been worth it. I feel like a new person most days! I highly recommend weight loss! Not easy, but worth it! Check out what 39 lbs looks like in terms of bags of flour or sugar next time you are at the grocery store.... YAHOO!

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